Gastro Girl Blog

A collection of helpful articles curated and written by Gastro Girl.

October 26, 2020

Hepatitis C: 8 Common Questions Answered

The term “hepatitis” means inflammation of the liver. There are three commonly known viruses called hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C that cause the liver to become inflamed. In article we will answer the 8 most common questions people have about Hepatitis C.

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May 16, 2018

Liver Cancer: Why This Deadly Disease Deserves Serious Attention

Liver cancer is gaining some media attention, and it’s about time. Why? Liver cancer is far less common than lung, breast, or prostate cancer, but if mortality were the only factor, liver cancer would rank higher. In this article we will cover all things Liver Cancer. What is it, what are the risk factors, and who should get screened.

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July 22, 2017

Liver Cancer Rates Continue to Increase – What You Need to Know

Liver cancer is now the fastest-rising cause of U.S. cancer deaths, a recent study shows. “Liver cancer does not have a good prognosis,” says Dr. Farhad Islami, “But the good thing is that most cases can be prevented.”

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