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If you’re one of the 1 in 4 people who is living with a chronic digestive health condition , you’re not alone. Whether you’re just diagnosed, in remission, or trying to learn what is happening in your body and what you can do about it, then this podcast is for you.


Jacqueline A. Gaulin

Founder, Chief Strategy Officer

In each episode, Jacqueline Gaulin, longtime patient advocate and the Founder of Gastro Girl, Inc. and GI OnDEMAND, will tackle topics that go beyond the basic mainstream coverage of GI health to educate, inform and empower patients and their caregivers. If you crave the inside scoop on the latest news, research and resources related to gastroenterology, and want it all delivered in an engaging, friendly, nonjudgmental and educational way that features leading GI experts, inspiring patients and positive vibes, this podcast is also for you.

Gastro Girl, an official patient-education partner of The American College of Gastroenterology, is committed to providing actionable and evidence-based health information to help empower patients to better health.

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Podcast Episode Archive

February 22, 2024

What You Should Know About Bile Duct and Gallbladder Cancer

The biliary tract (or biliary system) includes the liver, gallbladder and bile ducts. They work together to make, store and secrete bile, which is an important role in our digestive system. But what are the signs and symptoms that something is wrong? Doctor Navine Nasser-Ghodsi, a Gastroenterologist at UMass Chan Medical School in Worcester, Massachusetts joins us with some vital insight. She explains the role of the biliary tract, the potential causes and risk factors of bile duct and gallbladder cancer, as well as treatment options. This episode also features expert tips on preventative care and recognizing when your gallbladder or biliary tract is telling you it’s time to see your doctor. This episode is brought to you in partnership with The American College of Gastroenterology’s Patient Care Committee.

May 10, 2022

A Genetic Counselor’s Guide To Hereditary GI Cancer Screening

If you could—would you want to know whether your family has a genetic predisposition to cancer? World-renown genetic counselor Heather Hampel is not only here to share how that’s possible, but also to explain how some cancers can be preventable. In this episode, Heather shares what patients should know about the genetic testing process, the available screening options and the importance of knowing your family’s medical history.

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