Do Racial and Gender Disparities Exist in Young Onset Rectal Carcinoma? Untold Story of Ten Years

Do Racial and Gender Disparities Exist
in Young Onset Rectal Carcinoma?
Untold Story of Ten Years

Author Insight from Hafiz Muhammad Sharjeel Arshad, MD, Medical College of Georgia

What’s new here and important for clinicians?

  • Although Caucasians have higher incidence rate of advanced rectal carcinoma, minority ethnic groups have worse survival rates. Worst survival rates have been found among Hispanics and African Americans.
  • Females have relatively higher incidence rates of advanced rectal carcinoma in most ethnicities. However, males have worse survival probabilities compared to females in most ethnic groups.
  • Hispanic and African American males have the worst survival probabilities at 5 years if diagnosed with rectal cancer.

What do patients need to know?

  • Patients should take symptoms of rectal bleeding and weight loss very seriously even if they are less than 50 years of age as these might be indicative of rectal cancer.
  • Minority ethnic group patients especially from Hispanic and African American communities should consider starting screening for rectal cancer early, i.e < 50 years of age.
  • Male Hispanic and African American patients are at the highest risk of mortality from rectal cancer. They should pay very close attention to any alarming changes in bowel habits.
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