Health Disparities in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Amber Tresca, founder of, joins us to share her latest podcasting project, Healthcare Disparities in IBD, exploring the reasons behind the inequities and lack of representation in IBD research and clinical trials, affecting the care received by people of color and the LGBTQ community. Hear Amber detail what she’s learned from the experiences of patients from diverse communities and the misconceptions surrounding their digestive health.

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Amber Tresca

Amber Tresca is an IBD patient (diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 1989) who has been writing and editing patient-facing content for the IBD community since 2000 both for major online outlets and on her own site, After 10 years of active disease, medical therapy failed and she underwent the 2 step j-pouch surgery (removal of the large intestine and creation of an internal pouch from the last part of the small intestine). In 2017, she began the About IBD Podcast to educate people living with IBD about their disease and to bring awareness to the patient journey. She founded the nonprofit IBDMoms with Brooke Abbott of The Crazy Creole Mommy Chronicles to support moms who are touched by an IBD. She currently works as a speaker, facilitator, and advocate for people with IBD as well as a freelance writer and editor for medical web sites and publications.

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