Just Diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer? This Resource is For You!

If you or a loved one have just been diagnosed with colorectal cancer, Gastroenterologist, Dr. Brian Dooreck of Miami, FL, wants you to know that you are not alone and that a free program makes it easy for patients and their families to access evidence-based information and resources related to colorectal cancer.

In this episode, Dr. Dooreck tells us all about the Colorectal Cancer Provider Outreach Program, which features trusted colorectal cancer resources so patients can better navigate through the sometimes scary and confusing time when they learn they (or a loved one) are diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

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Featured Guests in this Episode

Dr. Brian Dooreck


Providers are encouraged to share this valuable resource with their patients, coloncancer.support

Check out the video version of this podcast episode on the Gastro Girl YouTube Channel, youtube.com/gastrogirl for the QR code that takes you directly to this important resource.

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