What Primary Care and Emergency Providers Need To Know About Eosinophilic Esophagitis In Adults

Dr. Pooja Singhal, a Gastroenterologist in Oklahoma City, OK offers some helpful tips and suggested questions that may help primary or emergency care providers recognize the clinical presentation of Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) in adults. She also stresses the importance of not only referring the patient to a gastroenterologist post-ER or primary care office visit, but explains how vital it is to follow up with the patient and make sure they see the gastroenterologist.

Dr. Singhal details some of the symptoms that overlap between EoE and other gastrointestinal conditions, as well as the adaptive behaviors patients may not even realize they’re doing to mask swallowing difficulty. We also dive into medical history discussions that primary care providers can have during regular consultations so they can make the referral to a gastroenterologist sooner.

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