Don’t Let Fear of Eating with EoE Ruin Your Super Bowl Party!

While many people look forward to Super Bowl Sunday as a time to party with friends and family, for those living with gastrointestinal symptoms, like difficulty swallowing, or a condition like Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE), food-centric social events can bring high anxiety. In this episode one of our favorite Registered Dietitians, Beth Rosen, joins us with some insights on EoE, including symptoms that could be triggered by your favorite superbowl foods. She also share tips for enjoying food-centric social events, like Superbowl parties, and explains some of the warning signs of symptoms for those of us who may be struggling with an undiagnosed gastrointestinal condition like EoE, and why it’s important to see a gastroenterologist.

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Featured Guests in this Episode

Beth Rosen

Non-Diet Registered Dietitian

Beth Rosen is a Non-Diet Registered Dietitian, practicing nutrition for Gastrointestinal disorders and disordered eating issues from a Health At Every Size® approach. She is the owner of Beth Rosen Nutrition in Southbury, Connecticut and works with clients virtually.

Beth received a Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics from the University of Maryland at College Park and my Master’s degree in Nutrition Education from Columbia University, Teachers College, in New York City. Her expertise lies in helping clients find relief from digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Disease {IBS) and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth {SIBO), Gastroparesis, Colitis, and GERO, as well as share her knowledge as a GI Dietitian with other health professionals via webinars, seminars, and mentoring. She has designed techniques and programs to empower chronic dieters, disordered eaters, and those in eating disorder recovery to mend their relationship with food and their bodies.

Besides working with clients individually, she offers online courses, speaks at corporate wellness seminars and conferences for health professionals, as well as authoring articles for major online and print publications, such as HuffingtonPost and FabUPlus Magazine.

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