Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) Webinar Series Part 4: Living and Thriving

After finding the right multidisciplinary care team and undergoing treatment for a period of time, you’re starting to feel more like yourself. Your EoE is in remission. Swallowing food is no longer a fear-inducing practice. You have a better understanding of what may trigger your EoE and how to avoid those situations. You’re thriving!

Part 4 of our 4-part Eosinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) Education Program contains success stories of EoE patients from the doctor’s perspective, so you can understand what remission and/or success could mean for you.

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Featured Guests in this Episode

Scott Gabbard, MD

Gastroenterologist at the Cleveland Clinic and Chairman of the American College of Gastroenterology’s Patient Care Committee

Dr. Sophia Patel


Part 4 welcomes back Gastroenterologists Dr. Scott Gabbard and De. Sophia Patel of The Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Gabbard shares some patient stories from the adult perspective, while Dr. Patel, who specializes in pediatric gastroenterology, shares some anecdotes from the children she’s treated who are now growing through adolescence and adulthood themselves.

This episode covers the following topics:

  • Examples of patient success
  • The power of multidisciplinary care
  • Achieving remission
  • How to maintain remission

*This patient education program is brought to you with support from Sanofi Regeneron and features leading Gastroenterologists and EoE experts from the Cleveland Clinic

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