What Does “Feeling Better” Mean To You? The IBS-C Provider Perspective

What does a doctor really mean when they ask a patient “are you feeling better”?
We asked! In this special compilation episode brought to you by Ardelyx, we gathered a group of healthcare providers across the multidisciplinary spectrum to break down what signs they look for when assessing if a patient is improving with their IBS-C diagnosis. From symptom relief and management, to quality of life, these providers share a range of ideas on how to help their patients thrive with this chronic condition.

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Featured Guests in this Episode

Mackenzie McArthur, MPAM, PA-C, DMSc

Director of Neurogenic Bowel Program at Atrium Health

Darren M. Brenner, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine and Surgery in the Division of Gastroenterology at Northwestern University

Dr. Brenner is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Surgery in the Division of Gastroenterology at Northwestern University and serves as Director of the Neurogastromotility and Functional Bowel Programs, Co-Director of the Integrated Bowel Dysfunction program, and Director of the Motts Tonelli GI Physiology Laboratory. He is also an active Irene D. Pritzker Research Scholar. Dr. Brenner focuses his clinical and research pursuits on a wide range of motility topics including IBS, constipation, opioid related constipation, fecal incontinence, gastroparesis and scleroderma. He has published more than 125 articles, abstracts, and online materials on these subjects, and has lectured both nationally and internationally in these areas. He acts as a reviewer and editor for multiple GI peer-reviewed journals and is a current associate editor of the American Journal of Gastroenterology. He was a charter board member of the American Gastroenterological Association Academy of GI and Liver Educators, acts as a member of the advisory board for the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders and serves (research) and has served on multiple ACG committees (education, MOC, digital publications and communications). Dr. Brenner is a fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology and American Gastroenterological Association.

Beth Rosen

Non-Diet Registered Dietitian

Beth Rosen is a Non-Diet Registered Dietitian, practicing nutrition for Gastrointestinal disorders and disordered eating issues from a Health At Every Size® approach. She is the owner of Beth Rosen Nutrition in Southbury, Connecticut and works with clients virtually.

Beth received a Bachelor’s degree in Dietetics from the University of Maryland at College Park and my Master’s degree in Nutrition Education from Columbia University, Teachers College, in New York City. Her expertise lies in helping clients find relief from digestive disorders such as Irritable Bowel Disease {IBS) and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth {SIBO), Gastroparesis, Colitis, and GERO, as well as share her knowledge as a GI Dietitian with other health professionals via webinars, seminars, and mentoring. She has designed techniques and programs to empower chronic dieters, disordered eaters, and those in eating disorder recovery to mend their relationship with food and their bodies.

Besides working with clients individually, she offers online courses, speaks at corporate wellness seminars and conferences for health professionals, as well as authoring articles for major online and print publications, such as HuffingtonPost and FabUPlus Magazine.

Dr. Ali Navidi, PsyD

CEO & Co-Founder at GI Psychology

Dr. Megan Riehl

GI Psychologist

Dr. Megan Riehl is a GI psychologist who specializes in the treatment of GI problems and anxiety-related disorders. She is the Clinical Director of the GI Behavioral Health Program at the University of Michigan, offering comprehensive treatment options for people being cared for by the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.

Working from a collaborative perspective, treatment can focus on improving quality of life, decreasing the frequency and intensity of medical symptoms, establishing healthy stress management tools, and improving coping skills. Dr. Riehl’s approach relies on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy to design unique and flexible treatment plans tailored to the individual. Her clinical research focuses on the delivery of GI behavioral health treatment to individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and disorders of the brain–gut axis. Dr. Riehl is co-chair of the ROME Foundation’s Psychogastroenterology Section – Education and Training Committee, and she serves with the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation on two national committees pertaining to the psychosocial aspects of IBD.

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