Duke University researchers are seeking to collect 10,000 “stool selfies”for a scientific study in order to develop a “smart toilet” that would automatically identify the physical characteristics of a bowel movement (e.g. consistency and color). These characteristics can help diagnose and manage chronic GI conditions and infections and can be an early warning sign of a serious health condition.
A key component of developing the Duke Smart Toilet is creating the method (algorithm) to automatically categorize human feces from images as a means of advancing individual and community health. But in order to develop the algorithm, the researchers need images of all kinds of human feces. A LOT of images. Everybody is different and these differences will ensure a robust algorithm.
So if you are over the age of 18 and a resident of the United States, and would like to advance this scientific research, please upload a “stool selfie” (photo of your poop in a toilet bowl) to Duke’s secure servers. Don’t worry. All submissions will be anonymous and you can submit as many times as you like.
The study is important for several reasons.
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